Unemployment Involuntary Loss

About the Involuntary Loss of Employment Scheme

In implementa+on of the Federal Decree Law No. 13 of 2022 concerning the Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE), this unique Scheme provides security for employees who lost their jobs due to reasons other than disciplinary action or resignation until they find a new job.
The eligible employees will be compensated with a Monthly cash benefit up to 60% of their average basic salaries of the 6 months prior to loss of employment. Cash benefit shall be provided for maximum 3 consecutive months for a claim only for the workers who pay the monthly premium for at least 12 consecutive months.

Category A

Basic Salary 16,000 AED or Below

5 AED + VAT/Month

Compensation Benefit

Upto 10,000 AED/Month

Upto 3 Months/Claim

Category B

Basic Salary above 16,000 AED 

10 AED + VAT/Month

Compensation Benefit

Upto 20,000 AED/Month

Upto 3 Months/Claim

Unemployment Involuntary Loss

Who is Eligible to Subscribe?

Emirati’s and Residents working in the Federal Government and Private Sector.

Exempted Categories

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